Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 30, 2015

Went again to CrossFit Mindset to train with my friend Robin. Still feeling weak, but happy to be back at it. I feel like I'm starting over. My lifts feel so weak, my engine feels crappy. I kind of "went through the motions" today - 100% effort was just getting through the program. I see the light, though. Good news, first day not feeling sick. I'm excited to get a couple of weeks under my belt and hopefully my strength will come back!

A. Squat Clean; build to a 1RM 
  • Felt totally limited by Front Squat strength. I hit #185 easy. I got #195 in the hole twice, bar flew high, caught fast, just couldn't stand up with it today. Previously hit #195 easy about 2 weeks ago. PR is #200.

B. Front Squat; build to a 1RM
  • #135, 155, 175, 195, 205 - failed at 215 (Previous PR #235)

3 Sets:
250m Row
15 KB (1.5) 
25 Burpees
15 KBS
250m Row
Rest 12 minutes between sets

SET 1: 6:48 / SET 2: 7:45 / SET 3: 7:40

I know this was supposed to be at 100% effort. As I said, my 100% effort was not quitting after 1st round. The KB was heavy for met today (did sets of 5), obviously slow burpees, etc. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 28, 2015

Well. Once again, I probably should have waited another day. I woke up at 7AM, and promptly went back to bed (felt full of a cold) until 1:30pm. Have been drinking loads of cold pressed juice (with lemon, turmeric, oil of oregano, ginger, orange, etc.) and even home made bone broth. I am feeling better after training (GREAT actually) but still weak. Numbers today are indicative of lack of oomph. However, I really enjoyed it. I went to a new box in Los Feliz (CrossFit Mindset) and met a great group of owners / trainers and felt really welcomed and motivated. May be a really good training environment for me to hit a few days a week! 

A. Shoulder Press; build to a 1RM

  • #115 (Failed #120. I think this is my last PR)

B. Split Jerk; build to a 1RM

  • #165 - just started failing on #175, 185 because had no desire to drop under (Previous PR #190, Hit #185 C&J in 15.1A) As reference, my Push Press is #165 (2 weeks ago, easy).

C. Strict HSPUs; 12 for Time x 3; rest 3min

  • Used 1 AbMat - started with plates on sides, ended up getting frustrated and just using the abmat. 
  • Set 1: 4:36 / Set 2: 3:40 / Set 3: 3:45 (all singles, a few doubles)

D. Static L-Hang; AMSAP x 2; rest 3min

  • Both Sets 10 Seconds - my quads started spasm-ing both times 


3 Rounds of Unbroken “Cindy”

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-up

15 Air Squats

(you can rest as much as needed between movements, but all movements must be unbroken)

x3 sets

Rest 4min between sets

  • Round 1: 3:12 (Unbroken, C2B Kipping) / Rested 3 Minutes (read it wrong)
  • Round 2: 4:20 (Unbroken, C2B Kipping) / Rested 3 Minutes (read it wrong)
  • Round 3: 3:30 (Push Ups 5/5 each set - no way unbroken and ran short on time, rest UB C2B Kips)

Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27, 2015

Was really excited to get started on my new program so I tried to ignore the fact that I have been sick with a cold/flu for the past 2 weeks and counting. I'm still congested and weak, so perhaps it wasn't the best day to try and max out. However, it did feel good to get moving. I don't feel my numbers today are truly indicative of where my 1RM's are, but here's what went down:

A. Back Squat; build to a 1RM (rest 10min before ‘B’)
  • #245 - 1RM (2 weeks ago, I hit #245 x 3, #255 x 1 and this with little lifting since well before the Open. Previous 1RM was #265)
  • The GOOD NEWS is after not doing ANYTHING for 2 weeks, my Right Knee actually felt pretty good:)

B. Back Squat; AMRAP  @ 85% of A @ 31x1 Tempo
  • #208 x 2 Reps @ 30X1. Ha. Ha. Ugh.

C. Bulgarian Split Squat; 5 reps/leg x 1 set (film this) 
  • Used only #20 db for film. 

D. Pistol Hold; 5 sec/leg x 1 set (film this)

E. Cossack Squats; 5 reps/leg x 1 set (film this)

2k Row for Time

So - breathing wasn't actually my issue today. Although, I was feeling pretty drained. Our Rowing Coach was in the gym while I was doing this. He said my form looks good. I'm efficient with my strokes / return and engaging my glutes, etc. The problem is, he said, is that I am just not used to sustaining the proper position for longer than anything other than a short sprint (when I hit 800-1000 m my back lights up like a Christmas Tree). I guess I just need more exposure doing longer, lighter row loads so that my body can get used to the positioning. My back hurt the most, more than my lungs. My goal was 2 min splits, but didn't quite get there today. It still hurt.